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The House of Aesthetics


Phone (614) 563-1382
Address 6379 Central College Road Spa 1,
New Albany, OH 43054 United States


Thank you for visiting my website and welcome to The House of Aesthetics. My name is Beth and I’m a board certified nurse practitioner. By nurse trade, I worked in the ICU and yes I was in the trenches of the COVID pandemic. In addition to being in the pandemic, I was in graduate school. I suffered some of the worst burn out I’ve ever experienced in my life during this time and I required an extensive amount of self-care to keep afloat. During graduate school, I decided I wanted to delve into aesthetics shortly after my skin broke out very badly due to wearing the same grimy N-95 mask for weeks (this was common for many hospital personnel due to the shortage of PPE). It was at this point, I had to rehabilitate my skin so I began educating myself about skincare. The back history is that I have been someone who always suffered from hyperpigmentation, uneven skin tone, alopecia and cystic acne. So this set my skin back. After graduating nurse practitioner school in 2021, I applied to several aesthetic nurse practitioner jobs and received no leads. That was the point to which I went to travel nurse to generate the revenue I needed to begin my career and business. Fast forward to 2023, I’ve launched my own Med Spa in New Albany, Ohio. I’m passionate about skincare and I love being Skinclusive. My race is not properly tended to nor represented in this space and I’m here to make improvements. Although I am new to this and going through the business woes, I’m dedicated to being here for a long time.

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